Sunday, August 14, 2016

Fake Facebook account

In recent weeks you may have received a message from Facebook about a completing privacy check on your account. I hope you have taken the opportunity to check your privacy setting to ensure your settings have not been altered. It would be a good idea to check your friend’s list and privacy settings periodically. Although Facebook has taken a proactive approach to protect their users you have to do your part as well to protect your account. One way to protect your information is to make sure all your contacts or friends list real users of Facebook as you may be aware some people will create a fictitious Facebook account to bypass your privacy settings. There are a few steps you can take to identify a fake Facebook account.

One of the most vulnerable ways a person can infiltrate your account is by using a fake Facebook account. Don’t get me wrong not every friend request you get on Facebook is bad it may be innocent as a possible romantic interest or they may be trying to market themselves for a job, a new product etc. this is why you must be careful on what post you make public verse what you make just for friends a person can access your account based on what you have posted on your Facebook account publicly. I always say it is better to be very vague on Facebook then too accurate with your information such as places you go to visit. A new way people have been trying to gain access to your Facebook account is by creating a fake Facebook account with a name of someone already on your Facebook friend list. This make you think that they may have accidently deleted you and you may accept them again. So check your list first before accepting a friend request from someone already on your list. Whenever possible do not accept friend request from complete strangers.

When you get a friend request you need to be somewhat like a detective check their profile page with any Facebook account even the private ones you get to view a preview of their page. If they have no preview information or even worst no profile picture on their profile then do not accept them.  You can adjust your setting on Facebook so that friends of friends are the only ones who can request you. This option may be the best way to protect you from a possible fraudulent Facebook friend request.

I hope this post was helpful please leave a comment

Mark Carvajal 

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