Thursday, March 1, 2018

Emergency contact list

Since the recent events it has brought to mind how important it is to establish an emergency contact list prior to any major storm which could have a major impact on a city or region. We know there are resources available such as the Red Cross and FEMA but they will take time to set up and get resources out to an area which has been impacted by a disastrous event. I have previously stated on here the need to have an emergency kit in place and a plan. An emergency contact list should be updated and added to your plan.

It is important to know how to shut off your utilities in case of an emergency. This would be your gas, electric and water. However you need to know your limitations as some of the ways you need to shut off these utilities may require more advanced knowledge or tools. You should have the emergency contacts for all the utilities in case of an emergency. You should have your local doctor’s contact information and what medicines you need to have on hand. Prior to any major event you should fill your prescriptions for at least thirty days. In your communities you may have centers which may have local resources available you must add their information to your contact list as well. These are the essentials contact you need to have in your contact list.

Lastly you want to have a contact list of family or friends who must be immediately contacted after a major storm event. This is to let everyone know that they are safe I have noticed that facebook has an application which allows everyone to mark themselves safe but if you lose access to facebook or the internet this may not be possible. What I would recommend is a trusted person or family member outside of the impact area who would be the person who would be called to make everyone safe. This would alleviate  multiple calls to numerous people depending on the circumstances a phone call may be difficult to make but making one call might be easier to make.

I hope this is helpful as always please leave a comment

Mark Carbajal

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