So it’s that time again time to plan your backyard cookout
or BBQ. So I am sure you want to start planning who you will invite when you
want to have it and what food you want to cook. In most cases this is the focus
however, you want to consider safety measures this will ensure everyone not
only enjoys themselves at your cookout but that they are safe as well. Whenever you have an open flame near a propane
tank or near combustibles material like charcoal you need to plan ahead for any
emergencies which can occur.
So grill placement is mostly likely the last thing on your
mind but this is important. The recommendation is at least 10 feet away from
your home, fence line, garage or porch. Ideally it should be in an open area
nothing overhead. You would have to take
into consideration any decorations like umbrellas or baskets which might hang
overhead. Before and after cooking on your grill you must keep your grill clean
any grease build up would fuel any fire which could occur.
When you are cleaning your gill this is the perfect
opportunity to check of leaks or damage to your grill. The best way to make
sure there are no leaks in a hose is by using soapy water. This would be dish
soap and water mixed. You would teak the soapy water and rub it on the hose
then turn the grill on with the grill lid open. If the soap forms large bubbles
it’s time to change the hose I would check the connection as well make sure
they are tight.
You should always have a spray bottle of water ready this
would allow you to be prepared for any minor burns which could ignite you could
extinguish it quickly. The best standby protection for any open flame is a fire
extinguisher. So keep one nearby make sure you know where it is and how to use
it. Lastly invest in some PPE gloves and cooking equipment to prevent injury.
I hope this is helpful as always please leave a comment
Mark Carbajal
Awesome blog
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